In most parts of this handbook, we deal with linear optical effects. Linear optics means that the optical

power at the outputs of an optical device always scales linearly with input power. The device may

spectrally or spatially filter the input beam; it may split the input beam into a multitude of output beams;

regardless of what the device does, the output power always relates linearly to the input power. Looking

through textbooks on classical optics from the pre-laser era, the impression may arise that the linearity

of optical phenomena is a given thing as there is no mention of any nonlinear effects. This is in strong

contrast, e.g. to acoustics, where nonlinearities are so widespread that the art lies more in their avoidance

than in the observation of nonlinearities. One may think of a cheap set of speakers just as one simple

example. Increasing the volume, these speakers will start to sound increasingly annoying with more and

more audible distortion. This distortion is not related to the frequency-dependence of the speaker’s

transmission characteristics, because this would be independent of volume. The distortion effect is

related to unwanted harmonics of the input. These harmonics arise due to nonlinearities between the

emitted acoustic wave and the input current to the speaker’s solenoid. Beyond a certain drive amplitude,

the speaker’s membrane position does not linearly follow the current any more. These harmonics

are not necessarily bad. All musical instruments also rely on acoustic nonlinearities, giving rise to a

characteristic spectrum of overtones of the excited fundamental vibration of a chord. This characteristic

spectrum allows us to distinguish different musical instruments. The omnipresence of nonlinearities in

acoustics is in strong contrast to optics, where similar effects could not be observed until the advent of

the laser.