The enormous potential of optical waves for high-rate transmission of information was recognized as

early as the 1960s. Because of their very high frequency, it was predicted that lightwaves could be

ultimately modulated at extremely large bit rates, well in excess of 100Gbit s

and orders of magnitudes

faster than possible with standard microwave-based communication systems. The promise of optical

waves for high-speed communication became a reality starting in the late 1980s and culminated with the

telecommunication boom of the late 1990s, during which time a worldwide communication network

involving many tens of millions of miles of fibre was deployed in many countries and across many

oceans. In fact, much of the material covered in this handbook was generated to a large extent as a result

of the extensive optoelectronics research that was carried out in support of this burgeoning industry. The

purpose of this chapter is to provide a brief overview of the basic architectures and properties of the most

widely used type of optical transmission line, which exploit the enormous bandwidth of optical fibre by a

general technique called wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM). After a brief history of optical

network development, this chapter examines the various physical mechanisms that limit the

performance of WDM systems, in particular, their output power (which affects the output signal-

to-noise ratio (SNR)), capacity (bit rate times number of channels), optical reach (maximum distance

between electronic regeneration) and cost. The emphasis is placed on the main performance-limiting

effects, namely fibre optical nonlinearities, fibre chromatic and group velocity dispersions, optical

amplifier noise and noise accumulation, and receiver noise. Means of reducing these effects, including

fibre design, dispersion management, modulation schemes, and error-correcting codes, are also reviewed

briefly. The text is abundantly illustrated with examples of both laboratory and commercial optical

communication systems to give the reader a flavour of the kinds of system performance that are

available. This chapter is not meant to be exhaustive, but to serve as a broad introduction and to supply

background material for the following two chapters (Optical network architecture and Optical switching

and multiplexed architectures), which dwell more deeply into details of system architectures. We also

refer the reader to the abundant literature for a more in-depth description of these and many other

aspects of optical communication systems (see, for example [1, 17, 32, 34]).