The morphological, functional, and some behavioral features of all organisms, including viruses, are codifi ed in their deoxiribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). The discovery of this commonality of all life forms has revolutionized science because it offers the opportunity to answer one of the most fundamental questions sought by evolutionary biologists: Where do living organisms come from and how they evolved throughout the history of earth? The coding of the morphological and physiological information though very simple in essence, is useful in providing statistical power, because the entire life information is contained in a combination of four types of nucleotides: adenine (A), thymine (T; although uracil in RNA: U), cytosine (C) and guanine (G). The order in which these four nucleotides are combined determines the functional unites, proteins, of an organism and hence its biological features, which are distinct to a certain extent

from other organisms. What makes this simple code exciting is that the dynamic combination of the four nucleotides across time guards information on all the events that occurred during the evolution of life and its use could unlock the secrets of the history of earth itself.