The objective of this chapter is to present the equations that model the elastic

behavior of shell-like bodies in terms of physical components as an application

of the theory developed in the previous chapter. In order to do so, however,

it is worthwhile to start by giving a summary of the theories of elasticity

for general materials and for shells in particular. The notion of elasticity

originated in the form of the law announced by Robert Hooke and succinctly

explained by him in 1678 as “the power of any springy body is in the same

proportion with the extension.”This statement, whose precise meaning is not

clear in this original form, can now be understood as the constitutive law for

linear elastic materials and it was the work of great mathematical physicists of

the last three centuries to develop a mathematical theory of elasticity extended

to other sort of materials. The load-deflection relationship established by this

law can be stated as a tensor equation relating the stress and strain, and the

first two sections of this chapter are concerned with presenting this relationship

for elastic bodies in general.