Supply plain rubber bearings (3 m and 5 m lengths) 150x20mm 0.35 11.08 - 150x25mm 0.35 11.08 -

Supply and place in position laminatad eIastomeric rubber bearing

250x150x19mm 0.25 7.92 - 300 x 200 x 19mm 0.25 7.92 - 300 x 200 x 30 mm 0.27 8.55 - 300 x 200 x 41 mm 0.27 8.55 - 300 x 250 x 41 mm 0.30 9.50 - 300 x 250 x 63 mm 0.30 9.50 - 4OOx250x 19mm 0.32 10.13 - 400 x 250 x 52 mm 0.32 10.13 - 4OOx3OOx 19mm 0.32 10.13 - 600 x 450 x 24 mm 0.35 11.08 -

AdhesIve ftxings to laminated eIastomertc rubber bearings

2 mm thick epoxy adIesIve 1.00 31.87 - 15 mm thick epoxy mortar 1.50 47.51 - 15 mm thick epoxy pourable grout 2.00 63.34 -

IamlnaIed eIastomaric rubber bearings SOOkN SLS design load; FP50 fixed pin Type 1 2.00 63.34 - SOOkN SLS design load; FP50 ftKed pin Type 2 2.00 63.34 - 750kN SLB design load; FP75 ftKed pin Type 1 2.10 88.51 - 750kN SLB design load; FP75 ftKed pin Type 2 2.10 88.51 - 300kN SLB design load; UG300 Unlgulde Type 1 2.00 63.34 - 300kN SLB design load; UG300 Unigulde Type 2 2.00 63.34 -

Supply and Instal fixed pot bearings 355 x 355; PF200 2.00 63.34 - 425 x 425; PF300 2.10 88.51 -

Unit £ nde£

30.10 m 41.18 38.70 m 48.78

10.75 nr 18.87 16.13 nr 24.04 25.80 nr 34.35 34.40 nr 42.. 43.00 nr 52.50 66.65 nr nU5 26.88 nr 37.01 73.10 nr 83.23 32.25 nr 42.38 90.30 nr 101.38

42.08 rna 73.75 235.16 rna 282.87 228.30 rna 211.84

400.00 nr 483.34 500.00 nr 513.34 650.00 nr 718.51 750.00 nr 818.51 400.00 nr 483.34 500.00 nr 513.34

500.00 nr 513.34 550.00 nr 818.51

Item hours £ £

Supply and Install free sliding pot bearillJS 445 x 345; PS200 2.10 66.51 - 52Ox415; PS300 2.20 69.67 -

Supply and Install guided sliding pot bearings 455 x 375; PG200 2.20 69.67 - 545 x 435; PG300 2.30 72.84 -


If there is a requirement for testing bridge bearings prior to their being InstaBed then the tests should be enumerated separa18ly. Specialist advice should be sought once details are known.