Metal parapet Group P4; 1.15 m high; comprising steel yielding posts and steel horizontal ralls

Metal parapet Group P5; 1.25 m high; comprising steel yielding posts and steel horizontal rails

Metal parapet Group P5; 1.50 m hQh; comprising steel yielding posts and steel horizontal ralls

Metal parapet Group P6; 1.50 m high; comprising steel yielding posts and steel horizontal ralls


Metal parapet Group P1; 1.0 m high; comprising aluminium yielding I frangible poets and aluminium horizontal ralls

straight or curved exceeding 50 m radius - · curved not a:eedlng 50 m radius - -

Metal parapet Group P2 (80 Kph); 1.0 m high; comprising aluminium yielding I frangible posts and alumlnhl'n horizontal rails with mesh InfII

Metal parapet Group P2 (113 Kph); 1.0 m high; comprising aluminium yielding I frangible posts and alumlnhl'n horizontaJ ralls with mesh InfiII

Metal parapet Group P4; 1.15 m high; comprising aluminium yielding I frangible poets and aluminium horizontal rails

straight or curved exceeding 50 m radius . - curved not a:eeding 50 m radius - -

Metal parapet Group P5; 1.25 m high; comprising aluminium yielding I frangible poets and aluminium horizontal ralls Wth solid sheet InftII, antI-access panels

Metal parapet Group P5; 1.50 m high; comprising aluminium yielding I frangible posts and aluminium horizontal rails YtIIh solid sheet 1nIII, antI-access panels

Unit £ £ rate!