Source: Sepa Foam insulation materials containing ODP (Ozone Depletant Potential) are also considered as hazardous waste under the EC Regulation 2037/2000. INITIAL STUDY Approach Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act (1990) [EPA], which was introduced by Section 57 of the Environment Act 1995, requires an overall risk-based approach to dealing with contaminated sites, which is consistent with the general good practice approach to managing land subject to contamination. The regulatory regime set out in Part IIA is based on the following activities: … identify the problem

… assess the risks

… determine the appropriate remediation requirements

… consider the costs

… establish who should pay

… implementation and remediation

These are examined more fully below: Identify the problem Site investigations comprising desk study research and intrusive investigations are necessary to provide information on the soil conditions and possible contaminants located on the site in order that an assessment of the risks may be carried out. Based on these, it should then be possible to ensure that the most appropriate remedial measures are used. From a purely cost angle, the more complete the study is at this stage, the greater the reliability of the cost estimate. Initially: … research previous use(s) of the site by reference to historical maps, local records, interviewing local

inhabitants, previous employees etc. … study geological maps and local records to determine ground strata, water table, underground aquifers,

direction of movement of ground water, presence of water extraction wells locally which may be at risk from contamination

… examine local records to try and determine underground and above ground service routes and whether

still live Ideally such studies should also take in surrounding land as the site may be at risk of contamination from an adjoining site problem.