NEW ZEALAND All data relate to 2008 unless otherwise indicated. Population Population 4.29 mn Urban population 72% Population under 15 22% Population 65 and over 12.5% Average annual growth rate (2004 to 2008) 1.4% Geography Land area 268,670 km2 Agricultural area 60% Capital city Wellington Population of capital city 379,100 Economy Monetary unit New Zealand Dollar (NZ$) Exchange rate (average fourth quarter 2008) to: the pound sterling NZ$ 2.72 the US dollar NZ$ 1.73 the euro NZ$ 2.28 the yen x 100 NZ$ 1.79 Average annual inflation (1998 to 2008) 2.3% Inflation rate 3.7% Gross Domestic Product (GDP) NZ$ 135.8 bn GDP per capita NZ$ 31,626 Average annual real change in (GDP) (1996 to 2008) 3.37% Private consumption as a proportion of GDP 58.7% Public consumption as a proportion of GDP 19.3% Investment as a proportion of GDP 22% Construction Gross value of construction output NZ$ 13.2 bn Net value of construction output NZ$ 6.29 bn Net value of construction output as a proportion of GDP 4.6%


Construction Output

The gross output of construction in year ending September 2008 was NZ$13.2 billion or 9.7% of the GDP, equivalent of US$7.63 billion. The net value of construction output in year ending September 2008 was NZ$6.29 billion equivalent to 4.66% of GDP. The breakdown by type of work is shown below:

Value Percentage of total Type of building NZ$ million building work (%) Residential building new dwellings 6,559 49.7 alterations additions and outbuildings 1,437 10.9 Total residential building 7,996 60.5 Non-residential building Accommodation buildings 417 3.2 Hospitals and nursing homes 455 3.4 Factories and industrial buildings 472 3.6 Commercial buildings 1,732 13.1 Education buildings 602 4.6 Miscellaneous* and multi purpose 1,531 11.6 Total non-residential building 5,210 39.5 Total 13,206 100.0 Source: Statistics New Zealand *Social, cultural, religious, recreational and farm buildings

Characteristics and Structure of the Industry

The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) is a framework for governing the planning and development of New Zealand. The RMA sets out who has what responsibilities in local and central government, and the rules for carrying out the planning process. It applies to the construction of all infrastructures, including transport infrastructure such as roads, railway lines, ports and ferry / terminals.