Before we can continue to the propagation of sound waves, we have to treat the principles of free and forced vibrations.

Consider an object of a mass m attached by a massless elastic spring to a motionless ceiling at rest, as displayed in Figure 3.1. Let us dene this equilibrium position as x = 0. The mass is pulled back over a distance x by a force F . For a stationary mass,

F = sx; (3.1)

where s is the stiness of the spring. The elastic potential energy gained equals the work done by stretching the elastic object:

EP =

F dx =

s x dx =

2 s x2

= 1

2 sx2: (3.2)

After release, we can dene the excursion x(t) around the equilibrium by

m x = s x (3.3) or

a = s m

x: (3.4)


a = dv




= v


; (3.5)

Figure 3.1: Massm on a spring with stiness s, pulled back by a distance x.