The importance of safety training for the safety

performance in the construction industry has been

addressed by many researchers (Huang & Hinze

2003, Aksorn & Hadikusumo 2008). Effective

training of construction workers can be one of

the best ways in improving site safety performance

(Hislop 1991, Tam et al. 2004). In the study of Zeng

et al. (2008), it has been pointed out that some acci-

dents such as falling from height and hit by falling

materials in construction can easily be prevented

by implementing training programs. In the same

study, it has also been found that many workers

in the Chinese construction industry had received

limited education about safety issues (Zeng et al.

2008). Similarly, in the study of Dingsdag et al.

(2008) construction workers identified training as

a necessary element of safety performance.