The National Economic Social Council (2004)

reported that additional housing output had been

predicted for the next decade with the balance

between supply and demand being achieved in the

coming years but it was not clear when the annual

housing market output would begin to decline

(NESC, 2004). Forward to 2009 and this decline

is clearly evident as a sharp downward adjustment

has been recorded since the height of the Irish

construction industry boom in 2006. According

to the Irish government (NSRF, 2007) a part of

the National Strategic Reference Framework is the

Commission drafted Community Strategy Guide-

lines (CSG)whichpurpose is to define keypriorities

for EURegional Policy over the period 2007-2013.

Such priorities are to promote and encourage inno-

vation, the knowledge economy, research and ICT

(NSRF, 2007). The significance of these priorities

is now substantial with the highest unemployment

figures now reported in 11 years. This downward

adjustment has made traditional Irish based com-

panies move to selling products and services inter-

nationally. The need for Irish companies to bemore

effective and efficient with eBusiness technologies