The construction industry is vital for Gaza

economy and the necessary infrastructure develop-

ment. Construction sector in Gaza rely on imports

of raw material. But due to the closures such mate-

rials could not be imported, which brought about

complete paralysis in this sector, causing delays in

housing projects, job losses and high daily sectar-

ian losses (PCHR, 1995). Construction industry

is one of the oldest industries in Gaza Strip. The

construction sector is one of the main contributors

to the Palestinian economy although it has been

one of the hardest hit by the current situation in

the country. The sector contributes up to 18% of

the GDP, employs approximately 22% of the work-

force and absorbs up to 34% of international donor

programs (PCU, 2003). It is often claimed that the

lack of data about waste composition and quanti-

ties is a major factor, which has inhibited the devel-

opment of solid waste management in Palestine.

Probably the greatest problem is the scarcity of

the governmental land and the high cost of private

land (Abu-EL Qomboz and Busch, 2003).