The energy of a time related action of a variable force related to the volumetric structure unit i s defined with F 2/2. In consequence the unit related potential of the material i n terms of the energetic concept of deformation resistance at a constant speed of deformation also i s

a t = F2/2 (N/s)

I t i s calculated i n -periods of 10 seconds. (Look at figure 2.) The fatique l i m i t i s positioned i n the turning point. That i s the

l i m i t to the increase i n deformation-energy. These changes ¿± a t n a r e calculated i n determining the differences i n a. i n 10 seconds in t e r v a l s , eg. by d i f f e r e n t i a t i n g the course of deformation energy. (Look at figure 3.)

A a t n = a t n " a t n - l

Fig. 2. Deformation energy-time diagram

Fig. 3. Increase of deformation energy-time-diagram

Fig. 6. Modulus-temperature-gradient

7 Requirements

Fig. 7. Axial load relationship (ABV)

8 Practical application

9 References