During the last decade there has been an ongoing effort to obtain an ever more detailed understanding of the behavior of randomly cross-linked macromolecular systems near the vulcanization transition.1-4 This effort has been built from two ingredients: (i) the Deam-Edwards formulation of the statistical mechanics of polymer networks;5 and (ii) concepts and techniques employed in the study of spin glasses.6 As a result, a detailed mean-field theory for the vulcanization transition-an example of an amorphous solidification transition-has emerged, which makes the following predic­ tions: (i) For densities of cross links smaller than a certain critical value (on the order of one cross-link per macromol­ ecule) the system exhibits a liquid state in which all particles (in the context of macromolecules, monomers) are delocal­ ized. (ii) At the critical cross-link density there is a continu­ ous thermodynamic phase transition to an amorphous solid state, this state being characterized by the emergence of ran­ dom static density fluctuations, (iii) In this state, a nonzero fraction of the particles have become localized around ran­ dom positions and with random localization lengths (i.e., rms, displacements), (iv) The fraction of localized particles grows linearly with the excess cross-link density, as does the characteristic inverse square localization length, (v) When scaled by their mean value, the statistical distribution of lo­ calization lengths is universal for all near-critical cross-link densities, the form of this scaled distribution being uniquely determined by a certain integrodifferential equation. For a detailed review of these results, see Ref. 4; for an informal discussion, see Ref. 7.