ThepurposeofthischapteristodeterminehowfarGIS(Geographical InformationScience/Systems)techniqueshaveprogressedinattemptingto pickthelockthatistheconundrumcalledrepeatburglaryvictimisation. Thisrequiresthatalltheanalytictoolstobeusedbeexaminedcarefullyto seehowtheycouldcontributetothetask.Inaddition,beforeanyanalysis

Geographical Information Systems have been adopted quickly by police forces for their use in a variety of different operational situations, though their use has not yet been fully utilised for crime mapping or analysis. There has recently been a flood of publicity as police forces in Britain and the United States have invested in GIS technology (see Berkeley Police Department 1997; Campbell 1992; Clegg and Robson 1995; Fox-Clinch 1997; Grescoe 1996; Hirschfield et al. 1995a; ICL 1995; Mapinfo 1997; Mitchell 1997; Nagle 1995; Page 1997; Salinas Police Department 1997; Tempe Police Department 1997). These systems have been used mainly for mapping live incident data, occasional crime mapping, and for describing incident scenes to a court. GIS has also been applied to other emergency services (Smith 1997).