Here is conscious experience Figure 12.5. Is there a natural split of a person so that the controlling influence of one part on the other gives the experience of free-will?

1«1> >= I<P1 > +I<P2 > +1¢3 >+etc, 12.2

The reason why our sentient, percipient and thinking ego is met nowhere within our scientific world picture can easily be indicated in seven words: because it is itself that world picture. It is identical with the whole and therefore cannot be contained in it as a part of it. But, of course, here we knock against the arithmetical paradox; there appears to be

What then, if anything, can we mean by universal consciousness? \:Vhat is it that gives rise to the feeling that there is a unity in the world of consciousness, a feeling for which, again according to Schrodinger ( 1958), there is miraculous agreement between humans of different race, different religion, knowing nothing about each other's existence, separated by centuries and millennia, and by the greatest distances that there are on our globe?