The dynamics of electrons and holes in semiconductors and semiconductor heterostructures have been extensively discussed in the literature, and are governed by their mutual Coulomb interaction, by their interaction with lattice vibrations (phonons) and by their radiative recombination (for an overview see e.g. Ref. [1]). A powerful technique to study the carrier dynamics in semiconductors utilizes short optical pulses to photoexcite electrons from the valence to the conduction band (i.e. to create electron-hole pairs) that subsequently relax until the photon energy stored in the medium is dissipated and the system has recovered the thermal equilibrium. The dynamics of the carriers photoexcited by the short optical pulse can be followed by monitoring two main optical observables: the interband population difference and the induced polarization. Both quantities decay with time after the photoexcitation due to the carrier dynamics. While the induced polarization (which is an ensemble average over many photoexcited dipole moments) is sensitive to scattering events that break the phase relationship among the individual dipoles and/or with the light field creating them (dephasing processes), the population difference is sensitive only to events that change the energy state of the carriers. Transient coherent optical spectroscopy addresses the time-evolution of the induced polarization in the time-regime during and immediately following the photoexcitation by a short laser pulse, in which the photoexcited dipoles have retained a defined phase relationship among each other and with the exciting coherent radiation.