V.A.Kartoshkin loffe Physico-Technical Institute Russian Academy of Sciences, 26 Polytekhnicheskaya, St Petersburg 194021, RUSSIA

ABSTRACT If circularly polarized light is spread along the direction of the constant magnetic field Ho, then, applying the resonance magnetic field, perpendicular to Ho, it is possible to observe this magnetic resonance of optically spin-polarized atoms. It has been shown that the signal of magnetic resonance acquires the intricate shape: an appearance of a gap in the centre of resonance curve and correspondingly two side maxima when the orientation and alignment give the comparable contributions in it. It has been determined the dependence on a (the ratio of the contributions to the signal due to orientation and alignment) for the following variables: the splitting of the resonance curve; the limit value of the resonance magnetic field at which the gap appears in the center of the line; the ratio of the signal in the center of the resonance line to that in the maxima. The effect take place for the states with angular momentum J > S.