SITE CHARACTER IZATION Definition of geomechanical properties of the host rock mass

GEOTECHNiCAL MODEL FORMULATION Conceptualization of site characterization data

DESIGN ANALYSIS Selection and application of m~thematical and computational schemes for study of tr~l designs

ROCK MASS PERFORMANCE MONITORING Measurement of the performance of the host rock mass during and after excavation

R ETROSPECTI VE ANA LYSIS Quantification of in situ rock mass properties and identification of dominant modes of rock mass response

Figure 10.1 Components of a generalized rock mechanics programme. (After Brown (1985) 'From theory to practice in rock engineering'. Proceedings, 4th international symposium on tunnelling 85. Institute of Mining and Metals, London)

be determined so that its behaviour can be predicted adequately and subsequently monitored. Parameters describing the following are needed to describe or characterize the rock mass for an engineering project and it is important to appreciate how these are linked together and interact. They are:

(1) Rock mass structure: intact rock and discontinuities (mainly strength and deformability).