The MNREAD acuity chart is a clinical and research instrument for assessing how a person's reading performance is affected by print size.

In R8 ( 1989) we introduced the Minnesota Low-Vision Reading Test, a computer-based system that uses a flashcard method for measuring reading speed (see section 2.1 ). This test was later simplified to use printed cards rather than a computer display (Ahnet al., 1995). This test (called the MNREAD) was designed to measure reading speed at large print sizes, where performance is not affected by the reader's acuity limit. At the same time we started to develop the MNREAD acuity chart. This chart used the same sentences as the MNREAD test, but the sen-

The MNREAD acuity chart is a continuous text reading acuity chart for normal and low vision. It is intended to have a wide range of applications. Clinical applications include prescribing optical corrections for reading or other near tasks,low vision assessment, and prescription of magnifiers or other reading aids. Research applications include evaluation of the effect of eye treatment or therapies on reading vision, and assessment of environmental viewing conditions (e.g., illumination) on reading. The chart may also be used for pediatric applications including the assessment of visual reading in children with low vision.