I. INTRODUCTION Carrot is one of the important root crops cultivated throughout the world for its fleshy edible roots. It is grown in spring, summer, and autumn in temperate countries and during winter in tropical and subtropical regions (1). Carrots are used for human consumption as well as animal feed. They are cooked alone or with other vegetables in the preparation of soups, stews, curries, and pies; fresh grated roots are used in salads; tender roots are pickled (2). Carrots possess many medicinal properties and are used in ayurvedic medicine (2). The white varieties of carrots are valued as feed for horses and dairy cattle. Carrots are a rich source of (3-carotene and contain appreciable amounts of thiamine and riboflavin. Worldwide production of carrots increased from 10.09 to 13.37 million metric tons (MT) during 1980-1990 (Table 1). The major carrotproducing countries are the former USSR, China, Japan, France, the United States, and the United Kingdom (2).