The objects of the ultrasonic pulse method are to establish: a) the dynamic modulus of elasticity and the Poisson’s ratio of the concrete, b) the compressive strength of the concrete, c) the homogeneity of the concrete, d) changes in the concrete properties caused by time, corrosion, wear etc. e) defects in the concrete. The above method can be applied: a) at factories making precast concrete, b) at building sites, c) to test structures in use, d) in research work. The application of the ultrasonic pulse method is based on the correlation between

the elastic properties or concrete strength and the propagation velocity of the onset of a pulse of ultrasonic longitudinal waves (in future this will be called simplypulse velocity). Measurements of the pulse attenuation are not yet considered to be

precise enough to include in these recommendations, although the usefulness of approximate comparative measurements of pulse amplitude is indicated later for defectoscopy (§ 9).