The title 'retrofitting ' was really a misnomer for two papers on experienc e in Japa n and the USA. M r Takano amplified o n the experience gained in Japan with various types of embedded-type jointings an d combined-type jointless methods . Th e former are extensivel y use d o n th e basi s o f predicte d performanc e an d th e accumulatin g experience of test programmes . Th e joint variants allow for the different pavemen t characteristics. Th e jointless metho d i s a treatment providing structura l continuity . It was commente d tha t early experience in the UK of such embedded-type joint s i s very simila r t o tha t described . Ther e ha d bee n weldin g difficultie s wit h stee l laminated bearings both i n Japa n an d the UK.