The first example compared the cost of four 6000 tonne capacity Cement Silos versus two Ringsilos as shown by Figure 3. The two Ringsilos were costed as 82% the cost of the four single Silo option. The second example compared the cost of a single 100,000 tonne capacity Clinker Silo as completed by Oscar Faber in 1986 to two of 50,000 tonne capacity. The single 100,000 tonne Silo was costed as 65% the cost of the two Silo option representing a significant potential saving in the 'civil' construction costs. The savings apparent here, as might be expected, are achieved mainly by increasing the effective area of wall (ie increasing the stored volume to wall ratio). This is no doubt the reason for the popularity in some areas of the world of the Multi bin Silo within a circular silo enclosure.