Urbanization is a global phenomenon caused due to industrialisation, migration and other centripetal and centrifugal forces. Due to industrialisation, urban population has increased (Table 1) drastically causing high demand for land (a fixed commodity), housing , better infrastructal facilities, more advanced facilities etc. Congestion and over crowding due to organic and uncontrolled growth has caused stress of amenities and has become cause of their failure. It leads to mushrooming growth of units (residential and working), lack of community, environmental and social facilities, traffic jams and increase in pollution etc. Table 1. Urban population in percentage

'Environment' is a broad concept encompassing the whole range of diverse surroundings in which we perceive, experience and react to events and changes. Environment is not static, it concerns man's ability to adapt both physically and mentally to the continuing change in the environment. Fascination with the environment is seen as a basic requirement of survival and not just a manner of behaviour adopted to fill people's leisure time. Men prefer an environment in which they are likely to thrive. They prefer an environment in which human abilities are more likely to be effective and needs more likely to be met.