Water and the Environment: Innovative Issues in Irrigation and Drainage. Edited by Luis S. Pereira and John W. Gowing. Published in 1998 by E & FN Spon. ISBN 0 419 23710 0

the tree was abundantly irrigated by applying water in a 2.5 m radius pond, covering the area in which the microlysimeters were installed. Early in the morning of the next day, three microlysimeters were taken out, their bottom wrapped in plastic, weighted with an electronic weighing machine (10~2 g precision), and re-inserted in the soil. Twenty-four hours later, the same microlysimeters were re-weighed, and the water evaporated from their open surface was determined as the difference in weight. This was repeated for five consecutive days, using different microlysimeters each day. Experiment 2 was carried out by Moreno et al. [14]. They used the internal drainage method described by Hillel [15] to determine the hydraulic characteristics of the soil in the experimental orchard. From the data they collected on days of similar ET0 to those in experiment 1, we obtained the values of E for the lowest range of volumetric soil water content (0, cm3 cm"3) in the top 80 mm layer.