In this Chapter the needs, problems and limitations of various road users will be analysed and discussed. The reason is, of course, that the needs of the users should be one of the main starting points when we are trying to design RTI systems. For a long time road users have been almost synonymous with drivers. The present road traffic system is to a very large extent constructed for automobile traffic. One of the main effects of this approach is that the accident and injury risk for so called unprotected road users is much higher than for automobile drivers and passengers. So in this section the needs of unprotected road users will also be dealt with. Before we embark on the analysis of how RTI could meet the needs of various road users it could be useful to try to see the problem in a larger perspective. How has this role of the road users been changing during the development of the road transport system? How did we get into the present situation? Also, when discussing future technology, it is useful to have a historical perspective. History often has something to teach us about how to shape our future.