I. INTRODUCTION 186 A. The Two Toxins 186 B. Membrane Binding 186 C. Enzymatic Activity 189

II. X-RAY DIFFRACTION STUDIES 192 A. The B Subunit and the B Pentamer 193 B. The A Subunit 195 C. Architecture of the ABs Holotoxin 197 D. Flexibility of the A Subunit with Respect to the B Pentamer 199 E. Interactions of Divalent Cations with L T 200 F. The Active Site of L T 201 G. Receptor Recognition by L T and CT 204

Ill. ORIENTATION OF ABs BOUND TO THE MEMBRANE 210 A. Noncrystallographic Investigations 210 B. Crystallographic Results 211 C. The C-Terminal [K/R]DEL Sequence of the A Subunit 211

IV. THERAPEUTIC APPLICATIONS 212 A. LT, CT, and Vaccine Development 212 B. Adjuvant Activity of LT and CT 213 c. Prospects for Drug Design 213


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In 1959 it was recognized for the first time that the major virulence factor of the cholera-causing bacteria Vibrio cholerae 01 is a secreted protein, thereafter called cholera toxin (CT) (De, 1959; Dutta et al., 1959). At that time De had already discovered that certain coliform bacteria also can cause a cholera-like disease (De et al., 1956). In the late 1960s it was found that enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) produces a toxin (Smith and Halls, 1967) that is immunologically related to cholera toxin (Gyles and Barnum, 1969) and has similar effects (Gorbach et al., 1971). This protein was called heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) and constitutes the major subject of this chapter.