The biosynthesi s o f a protei n i s a complex , integrate d proces s involvin g th e

interaction o f mor e tha n a hundre d macromolecules . Involve d ar e ribosomes ,

m R N A s , t R N A s , aminoacyl - tRN A synthetases , ATP , G T P, a nd variou s solubl e

protein factor s fo r initiation , elongation, an d terminatio n (Table 12.1) . A l thoug h

the mechanis m an d individua l step s o f protei n biosynthesi s ar e simila r i n

prokaryotic an d eukaryoti c cells , ther e ar e substantia l difference s i n ribosoma l

structure and the solubl e factor s employed a s one proceed s fro m simpler to mor e

complex organisms . Thi s i s perhaps a result of th e nee d fo r additional features i n

eukaryotic cells , i n w h i c h regulatio n i s m u c h mor e complex . W e conside r bot h

systems i n fou r stages : activation , initiation , elongation , an d termination . T h e

various component s currentl y believe d t o b e require d a t eac h stag e i n protei n

biosynthesis ar e presente d i n Tabl e 12.2 . W e d o no t attemp t t o discus s i n detai l

the role s o f al l the solubl e factor s involved .