Figure 7. 1 Absorptio n spectra o f various hemoglobin s i n th e 480-64 0 n m range . Me t Hb , 0 2 H b , COHb, H Hb and SulfH b designate s methemoglobin, oxygenated hemoglobin, carbon monoxid e hemoglobi n (carboxyhemoglobin) , deoxyhemoglobin an d sulfhemo - globin, respectively . (Reproduce d w i t h permissio n fro m Mora n RF , Fallo n K D . Oxygen saturation, conten t an d th e dyshemoglobins : Par t I . Cli n Che m New s January: ! 1, 1990. )

polypeptide chai n wi th 15 3 amin o acid s an d a singl e hem e molecul e fo r a tota l

molecular weight o f abou t 18,000 . I t is quite compact , measurin g 44 x 4 4 x 2 5 A .

Myoglobin i s th e mos t primitiv e hemoglobin-lik e protei n fro m a n evolutionar y

point o f view . I t is a n intracellula r protein whos e functio n i s t o stor e oxyge n i n

the cell s fo r metaboli c purposes .