Figure 9.15 Structur e of a triglyceride. R 2 - C O O H and R 3 - C O O H ar e usually unsaturate d fatty acids , whereas R r C O O H i s a saturated fatt y acid .

the h u m a n organism are unsaturated, triglycerides reflect this usual ly by contain -

ing tw o molecule s o f unsaturate d and on e molecul e o f a saturate d fatty acid . A t

body temperature , suc h triglyceride s are liquids. A typica l triglyceride is s h o w n

in Figur e 9.15 , wher e th e p carbo n (carbo n 2) i s chiral . Naturall y occurring tri -

glycerides carr y th e L conformation . Fatt y acid s ma y b e esterifie d w i t h othe r

alcohols a s wel l . A wax i s a n ester containin g a fatty aci d a nd a long-chain mono -

hydroxy alcohol .