An intelligent robot, or an intelligent machine in general, is a mechanical device which has sensors to sense information on itself and the environment it is in, a “brain” or controller to process this information, and actuators to effect its activi­ ties and to interact with its environment to perform some useful tasks. Actuators for producing mechanical motion and sensors for sensing such motions and associ­ ated forces, together with control theory and techniques for the proper control of such motions, have long been developed. The past has thus seen the development of machines, such as industrial robots, numerically controlled machines, and other automated machines, which have been put to good use for the benefit of man. Re­ cent developments in computer and information technology, in sensing technology, and in artificial intelligence techniques have spawned the rapid development of intelligent techniques to achieve more precise and intelligent control of these ma­ chines and robots. Smart sensors such as visual, force, and tactile sensors allow these machines to “see” and “feel” the environment they are in. Power computers, acting as the brain and controller for these machines, allow the incorporation of more powerful control algorithms and artificial intelligence techniques. This has enabled the development of autonomous machines which not only interact intelli­ gently with their environment, but also adapt to changes in the environment around them. This chapter introduces some approaches in the application of artificial in­ telligence techniques for the control of robots and machines. Some background material is given in Chapters 1, 5, and 6.