Other Parallel Networks

We have previously considered various static and dynamic networks.

More specically, we have covered multistage interconnection networks

in Chapter 3, hypercube networks in Chapter 4, and mesh networks

in Chapter 5. In this chapter, we will examine other interconnection

networks such as de Bruijn networks, shue-exchange network, and cir-

culant network. We will also examine the class of Cayley graphs which

are proposed and used more recently in the construction of intercon-

nection networks. In fact, we will see in Section 6.4 that the two very

popular networks: butter y and cube-connected-cycles (CCC) are Cay-

ley graphs. De Bruijn networks and shue-exchange networks are not

Cayley graphs. However, they can be shown (also in Section 6.4) to be

coset graphs of Cayley graphs.