In the past 40 years the information made available by

chemical analysis has increased greatly due both to the

increased number of analyzed samples and the number

of analytes measured in each sample. For this last

reason chemical information is now almost always

multivariate information, where each object (sample,

molecule, panelist, individual) is described by many,

sometimes thousands, variables. At the same time, the availability of desktop

computers with continuously increasing speed and

low cost has permitted the handling of chemical

information using the tools of multivariate statistics

and applied mathematics. Two disciplines, Experimental Design: How do we

perform experiments to obtain the maximum relevant

information at the minimum cost? and Chemometrics:

How do we get chemically relevant information out of

measured chemical data, how do we represent and

display this information, and how do we get such

information into data? (1) began to be a part of the

background of many chemists. The special needs of chemistry, in particular food

chemistry, and the continuous exchange of ideas and

techniques among the two disciplines had a strong

influence on their evolution. As a consequence, we now

prefer to redefine chemometrics to include experi-

mental design, for which, according to Roger Phan-

Tan-Luu, we should use the name ‘‘methodology of

experimental research’’ to stress its importance in the

science. So chemometrics can be defined as the chemical

discipline with the following objectives:

1. To plan the chemical experiments in order to

obtain the maximum useful information with

the minimum cost. 2. To optimize the analytical process, with refer-

ence to the conditions of maximum repeatabil-

ity, reproducibility, robustness, and especially

to the step in which the chemical quantity

is computed from the measured physical quan-

tities. 3. To extract useful information, relevant to the

chemical problem, from the computed chemical

quantities and from the other available data.