All the testing procedures that have been developed have mainly been centered around the evaluation of adhesive properties, adherend properties, or how these materials function together in a bonded joint structure. Most influential in developing specific testing procedures for general comparative use has been the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) (3016) through the activities of Subcommittees D-14 and C-24 dealing with adhesive and sealant technologies, respectively. ASTM Committee D-14 on adhesives is further subdivided into 11 subcommittees covering the development of material specifications and methods for testing for adhesives and adhesive/sealant materials. The C-24 subcommittee on building seals and sealants is further split into 20 additional committees whose interest covers both the development of materials specifications and test methods but also the promotion of knowledge and stimulation of research for sealing of buildings and traffic decks. The approximately 235 specifications and standards for adhesives and sealants are contained in Volumes 15.06 (3017) and 04.02 (3018), respectively. ASTM standard specifications are typically listed, as shown in Table 121. Also functioning as a national source for testing specifications is the British Standards Institution (BS series of publications).