THE information above sums up OSHA's requirements under its Con­fined Space Entry Standard (29 CFR 1910.146) and in particular for sections (e) Permits System and (f) Entry Permit.

The gist of OSHA's requirements under these sections follows:

(1) To ensure that a permit is actually used for entry into permit-required confined spaces

(2) To ensure that an entry supervisor (the qualified or competent person) authorizes the entry

(3) To ensure that the entry permit is signed (4) To ensure that any corrective measures are taken if found necessary (5) To ensure the permit is canceled when work is completed

Confined space entry permits must be available to all permit space en­ trants at the time of entry and should extend only for the duration o f the task. As stated previously, the permits must be retained for a year to facili­ tate review of the confined space program.