S PELLMAWS Standard Handbook for Wastewater Operators, Volume 2: Intermediate Level begins where the first handbook left off-at a higher level, the intermediate level, building on the information base provided in Volume 1. Volume 2 covers four areas not previously covered in Volume 1 : Troubleshooting guidelines, biosolids incineration, land application of biosolids, and fecal coliform testing. The math presented in Volume 2 is at a higher level than that presented in Volume l-wastewater math you actually are required to use in real-world wastewater operations-and the type of math and math problems you will certainly see on licensure examinations. Volume 2 also provides more of the foundational information you'll need to understand the information presented in Volume 3 (advanced level). Simply put, this three-volume handbook series hc t ions to provide a complete learning experience (see Figure l. l ) for wastewater operators and operations.