Biennial, 30-80 (100) cm tall plant with short rhizome. Stem single, glabrous below, fine-hispid above. Lower leaves often deciduous at anthesis, linear-lanceolate or lanceolate, with 12-15 cm long petiole; middle and upper leaves gradually reducing, lanceolate, sessile, appressed pubescent sparsely above, compactly below, involuted along margin, with glandular bristles. Anthodia with many flowers, small, 5-9 mm broad, heterogamous, gathered in corymbs compressed at base. Peduncles with compact grey appressed pubescence; peduncles of 3rd and 4th order with 2 or 3 each terminal fine bracts, sometimes gradually transforming into bracts of involucre. Involucre tubular-campanulate or broad-campanulate. Outer bracts of involucre obtuse, compact-pubescent, inner bracts oblanceolate, acuminate, broadmembranous on margin, herbaceous, also compactly pubescent. Ray flowers white, fertile, style appendages narrow, slightly exserted above base of ligule. Disc flowers tubular, bisexual or some of them staminate, yellow. Achenes ovoid, terete, cinnamonic, very small, about 1 mm long. Tuft canescent or pinkish, 3 or 4 times longer than achenes.