Although ferns were not included in Trimen?s original five-volume ?A Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon?, they form a significant part of the vascular flora of the island. A good deal of fern research was carried out contemporaneously to, but independently of Trimen?s work. Publications, though, were widely scattered throughout the literature or const

Aspleniaceae; Azollaceae; Blechnaceae; Cyatheaceae; Davalliaceae; Dennstaedtiaceae; Dryopteridaceae; Equisetaceae; Gleicheniaceae; Grammitidaceae; Hymenophyllaceae; Isoetaceae; Lomariopsidaceae; Loxogrammaceae; Lycopodiaceae; Marattiaceae; Marsileaceae; Oleandraceae; Ophioglossaceae; Osmundaceae; Parkeriaceae; Polypodiaceae; Psilotaceae; Pteridaceae; Salviniaceae; Schizaeaceae; Selaginellaceae; Thelypteridaceae; Vittariaceae; Woodsiaceae