The services that the LECs bill via their CABS system are regulated by the FCC while services billed by the LEC’s CRIS system are regulated by each state’s Public Service Commission (P.S.C.) or Public Utilities Commission (P.U.C.). For example, Ameritech Access Services and rates that are billed by Ameritech’s CABS system are filed in Ameritech’s FCC Tariff 2 (Access Services). The services found in Ameritech’s FCC Tariff 2 apply to Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. The descrip­ tion for the services listed in the FCC Tariff 2 are the same for all of the states even though the pricing may differ from one state to another. Ameritech has five separate state tariffs filed with the PUCs in Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan.