This section comprises two case studies of actual cool storage installations in commercial buildings. The first relates to an ice storage system; the second to a chilled water storage system.

CASE STUDY Is ICE STORAGE SYSTEM 2A brief analysis conducted in 1979 for a 265,000 ft , 24-story San Francisco (CA)

office tower indicated that a cool storage system could possibly provide space cooling in the most cost-effective manner (16). Two space cooling systems were designed for purposes of feasibility analysis, one using conventional water chil­ lers, the other using ice storage. (Chilled water cool storage was not considered due to space availability and first-cost disadvantages.) Analysis showed ice storage would be competitive with a conventional system on a first-cost basis, and far more cost-effective on a life-cycle basis due to the "time-of-day" utility rates in effect. The ice storage system is now in place and operating smoothly.