Stalking-that word has an ominous sound to it, as well it should. It implies dark, stealthy, harmful, and defenseless acts that oen end in violence, injury, and death, particularly when it occurs in the family setting or when the stalker

What Is Stalking? 243 Advice to Victims 244 e Victim’s Point of View 245

Victim’s View of Stalking 245 Victim’s Dealings with a Stalker 246

How Well Is Your Department Handling Domestic Violence Stalking? 246 Typologies 247 Victimology 247 Stalking and Psychopathy 248 Investigative Suggestions 248 e ree Stalker Types 248

e Domestic Stalker 248 e Organized (Nondomestic) Stalker 251 Delusional Stalker 252

e Erotomaniac 252 Weakness and Vulnerability 254

e Domestic Stalker 254 e Organized Stalker 254 e Delusional Stalker 255

Conclusion 255 Acknowledgment 255 Bibliography 256

is mentally ill. In recent years, stalking has reemerged in our vocabulary and has invaded the lives of many with the added prex cyber. Sometimes it involves new endeavors by sexual deviants, who are labeled cyberpedophiles.