C21H18O6 366.37 Constit. of Mesua racemosa. Cryst. (hexane/EtOAc). Mp 149-1508. lmax 216 (log e 3.82); 269 (log e 4.12); 325 (log e 3.88) (EtOH/HCl). Morel, C. et al., Heterocycles, 1999, 51, 2183-

2191 (Racemosone, struct, synth)


C20H20O5 340.375 Constit. of the roots of Neorautanenia mitis. Exhibits cytotoxicity against human breast cancer MCF7 and lung cancer A-549 cells. Fine needles (CHCl3). Mp 146-1478. [a]23D -201 (c, 0.8 in MeOH).