Highly-modified chalcone. Constit. of Uvaria afzelii. Prisms (hexane). Mp 1361388. lmax 218 (e 3930); 283 (e 4510) (dioxane).


Hufford, C.D. et al., JACS, 1980, 102, 73657367 (Uvaria afzelii constit, cryst struct)

Hufford, C.D. et al., JOC, 1981, 46, 3073-3078 (Vafzelin)

Martin, M. et al., Tet. Lett., 1981, 22, 33653366 (synth)

V-2Vahliabiflavone VC 15B [193901-50-7]

C30H18O12 570.465

Two structs. have been suggested of which the one shown is preferred. Constit. of Vahlia capensis. Antibacterial agent. Amorph. brown powder. Mp 2208 (dec.). [a]D-6.3 (c, 0.2 in MeOH). lmax 268; 303; 372 (MeOH).