C21H20O6 368.385 Constit. of unidentified South American plant ‘‘Cabeca de Negra’’. Cytotoxic to human Leukaemia HL-60, colon cancer HCT-8 and melanoma MDA-MB-435 cell lines. Antidote against snake venom (Bothrops arox), tested in mice and dogs. Cryst. Mp 167-1688. [a]24D -127 (c, 0.1 in CHCl3). cd 238 nm (De-9.87). lmax 209 (e 75000); 309 (e 13000) (EtOH). 4?-Deoxy: [90744-42-6] 4?-Deoxycabene-

grin A I. Harpalicin C21H20O5 352.386 Constit. of Harpalyce brasiliana. [a]D95.3 (c, 3.4 in CHCl3).