C23H20O7 408.407 Constit. of root bark of Piscidia erythrina, Millettia rubiginosa, Millettia pachyloba and Millettia ferruginea. Piscicide. Rods (EtOH or MeOH). Mp 203-2048. lmax 229; 260; 306 (MeOH). Schwarz, J.S.P. et al., Tetrahedron, 1964, 20,

1317-1330 (Piscidia erythrina constit) Campbell, R.V.M. et al., JCS(C), 1969, 1787-

1795 (pmr, ms) Krishnamurti, M. et al., Indian J. Chem., 1972,

10, 914-916 (synth) Desai, H.K. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B,

1977, 15, 291-293 (isol) Dagne, E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, 1897-

1900 (Millettia ferruginea constit, struct) Mai, H.D. et al., Planta Med., 2010, 76, 1739-

1742 (Millettia pachygloba constit)

C21H20O12 464.382

Flavonoid glycoside of unknown struct. Constit. of the flowering tops of Trifolium incarnatum (crimson clover). Pale yellow needles 3H2O (H2O). Softens at 1658, dec. at 242-2458. Rogerson, H. et al., JCS, 1910, 97, 1004-1015

(Trifolium incarnatum constit)

I-3Indicanin A 2,3-Dihydro-5-hydroxy-4-methoxy-6-(4methoxyphenyl)-2-(1-methylethenyl)-7Hfuro[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-7-one [27467678-7]





C22H20O6 380.396 Constit. of the root bark of Erythrina indica. Pale yellow powder. Mp 175-1778. [a]D-46 (c, 1.99 in MeOH). lmax 218 (log e 4.54); 270 (log e 3.48); 282 (sh) (log e 3.86); 291 (log e 4.23); 305 (sh) (log e 4.17); 351 (log e 4.63) (MeOH). Nkengfack, A.E. et al., J. Nat. Prod., 2000, 63,

855-856 (Indicanin A)

I-4Indicanine D Indicanin D [402939-12-2]




O O (CH2)23CH3 CH2OH

C51H78O7 803.173 Constit. of the stem bark of Erythrina indica. Yellow needles. Mp 212-2148. [a]20D8.5 (c, 0.04 in MeOH). lmax 270 (log e 4.46) (MeOH). Nkengfack, A.E. et al., J. Nat. Prod., 2000, 63,

855-856 (Indicanin D) Nkengfack, A.E. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001,

58, 1113-1120 (Indicanin D)






Absolute Configuration

C18H18O4 298.338

Dihydrochalcone. Enolised b-diketone. Constit. of the bark of Cryptocarya infectoria and the leaves ofCryptocarya chinensis. Cytotoxic to various human carcinoma cells. Amorph. yellow powder. [a]25D128 (c, 0.94 in CHCl3). [a]20D 137.5 (c, 0.95 in CHCl3). lmax 200 (e 21170); 235 (e 9560); 242 (e 8620); 281 (e 10750); 383 (e 22110) (EtOH). Parent acid: [1297583-61-9] Desmethylin-

fectocaryone C17H16O4 284.311 Constit. of the wood of Cryptocarya konishii and Cryptocarya chingii. Cytotoxic to murine leukaemia P-388 cells. Brownish-yellow solid. [a]20D51 (c, 0.02 in MeOH). lmax 203 (log e 4.11); 282 (log e 3.98); 348 (log e 3.89); 383 (log e 4.05) (MeOH).