Prasad S. enkabail, PhD, is currently working as a research geographer-15 with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), United States. Currently, at USGS, Prasad leads a multi-institutional NASA MEaSUREs (Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments) project, funded through NASA ROSES solicitation. The project is entitled Global Food Security-Support Analysis Data at 30 m (GFSAD30) (https:// geography.wr.usgs.gov/science/croplands/index.html also see https://www.croplands.org/). He is also an adjunct professor at three U.S. universities: (1) Department of Soil, Water, and Environmental Science (SWES), University of Arizona (UoA); (2) Department of Space Studies, University of North Dakota (UND); and (3) School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability (SESES), Northern Arizona University (NAU), Flagsta¦, Arizona.