Annually, woody perennial plants of the temperate zone must un­ dergo physiological changes in order to survive winter. As part of this annual growth cycle, by late summer to mid autumn plants enter a state of dormancy known as endodormancy and begin to develop cold hardi­ ness, referred to as the first stage of cold acclimation (Nissila and Fuchigami, 1978; Sakai and Larcher, 1987). Here, the prefix “endo” re­ fers to the inhibition of bud growth which is maintained within the bud itself, as distinguished from paradormancy which is controlled by a fac­ tor outside the bud (for example, apical dominance), and ecodormancy, which is imposed by environmental factors (Lang, 1987; Lang et al., 1987). Endodormancy and this first stage of cold acclimation are thought to be triggered or enhanced by short photoperiods (Downs and Borthwick, 1957; Nitsch, 1957; Perry, 1971; Vince-Prue, 1975; Nooden and Weber, 1978). Endodormancy is characterized by a chilling requirement, i.e., exposure to an accumulated number of hours of low, nonfreezing tem­ peratures in order for budbreak to occur the following spring (Lang et al., 1987). Thus, the chilling requirement serves to synchronize a plant’s growth upon exposure to favorable environmental conditions. During winter months, while buds are fully endodormant and then ecodormant, there is a further increase in cold hardiness to reach maximum hardi­ ness. This is the second stage of cold acclimation (Fuchigami et al., 1982). Some plants that would be killed by temperatures slightly below 0°C during the summer and early fall may survive temperatures as low as — 196°C during the winter when fully cold acclimated (Sutinen et al., 1992). These physiological changes culminate, upon the return of warmer temperatures, in resumption of growth and fully deacclimated plants.