He has called it, circular average operator. It has been called in this chapter, generalized

translation operator associated with the Bessel operator. This operator is related to the product formula for the normalized Bessel function ja(^x)

studied in Chapter 1. More precisely we have the relation

In this chapter we study properties of the operators T^, x > 0, and we use them to define

the generalized convolution product *B of two regular functions f and g on [0, + °°[, by


We define also the generalized convolution product of complex bounded measures on

[0, + <»[ and of even distributions on JR. We establish many properties of this generalized convolution product *g on different

spaces of functions, on the space Mb([0, + °°[) and on spaces of even distributions. In

particular for all x > 0, y > 0, we have

where f is a continuous function on [0, + °°[, with compact support and 6^ the Dirac

measure at x. This relation and the properties of the generalized convolution product *B on

Mb([0, + °°[) imply that the pair ([0, + °°[, *B) is a hypergroup, called Bessel Kingmann

hypergroup. This is a particular case of the Chebli-Trimeche hypergroups (see [8] and [88]
