One of the main sources of the blade vibration excitation is circumferential nonuniformity of the gas flow about which the rotor wheel is rotating. Each blade rotating through circumferential nonuni­ formity of the gas flow is exposed to the influence of an external force of identical amplitude. The fre­ quency v of this force is multiple to the frequency of the rotor wheel rotation, and the phase difference is equal to the product of the excitation order ms and the magnitude of the angle between blades. There­ fore, the external force of a given excitation order, acting on the y-th subsystem, which simulates a blade, can be presented in the form FJ = F0 cos[ vt + ( j - 1)2 mnB / N], (1)

where N = number of the assembly blades. Then the system of differential equations, de­

scribing forced vibrations of the rotor wheel model considered, has the following form:

M^j Xi j+d2J{xij+Xij) + d 2J+x(xyj X2,j+\) "I-kjjX^ j +


According to the objective of the work numerical experiments involved the determination of the influ­ ence of the futures of natural vibration spectrum of a tuned rotor wheel and of a possible blade frequen­ cies mistuning upon vibration stress level of the in­ ter-groove parts of the disk, using the proposed computational models of a compressor rotor wheel.